High School Live Online Course

Online language classes for busy high school students.

Limited Spots Available for 2024 summer!

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Learn a foreign language while earning school credit through our accredited language programs!

La Paz Language Academy is accredited by SACS CASI and AdvanceEd, a non-profit organization that accredits the best language schools, as well as prestigious primary and secondary schools across the globe. Because of our accreditation, and our AP Course Ledger status, we are able to offer our students both high school and college credit for the language classes they complete at La Paz. Contact us today to enroll at our accredited language school!

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Why Choose La Paz Language Academy?











About Our High School Live Online Course

La Paz Language Academy is accredited by SACS CASI and AdvanceEd, an organization that allows us to grant students credit for completing our high school language learning programs. This includes our high school live online course, which is a virtual version of our normal high school language program that is held at our language school in El Paso.

Our high school live online course is a language learning program that spans 10 weeks, with hour-long sessions on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, as well as hour-and-a-half sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The dates and overall schedule are preset, and each class has a maximum of six students to create an engaging virtual class environment. In our decades of experience teaching foreign languages, we’ve found that small class sizes create a much more enjoyable and efficient learning experience, and this is especially true for virtual language classes.

To maximize efficiency and quality of learning, our language teachers utilize ZOOM video conferencing software to teach the class material from our El Paso language school. Remote students can log in and take the class from any device, whether that be a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or handheld device. Out of all the video platforms available today, we’ve found that ZOOM has the highest video and audio quality.

During the high school live online course, students will use the book Auténtico, which is a top-tier Spanish textbook from Pearson that contains all the necessary tools for our live online Spanish classes. There is an online version of the book, as well as an app, videos, online lessons, and so much more. Both parents and students can log in to access these tools and check progress in the program. In addition to our accredited school curriculum, this program also adheres to the curricula of TEKS (Texas Essentials Knowledge and Skills) and ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages).

Earn High School & College Credit At La Paz Language Academy

Ready to start earning school credit by taking virtual language classes on your own time? Contact us for our current class schedule, or enroll in our high school live online course today!

As the parent of a high school student taking competitive language courses, you want nothing more than to feel confident in the education that they’re receiving. If they’re spending time learning a new language, the instructor and language academy can make a world of difference in the education that they receive and their ability to fully utilize these skills in real life. While online language classes may not seem like the best option around, the High School Live Online Courses by La Paz Language Academy are everything that you’re looking for and more!

At La Paz Language Academy, we have worked hard to create a foundation that sets the precedence for us as an academy as well as the courses we offer. Though our High School Live Online Courses are completed through a computer, there are countless benefits to registering for these particular language courses. Keep reading to discover why enrolling in our online language classes is the best thing you can do for your high school student!

Live Instructor

One of the primary concerns of having a high school student enroll in online courses is that they aren’t going to be nearly as engaged as they are in a typical class. While that may be the case for apps, where interaction is limited or pre-recorded videos, that is certainly not the case for the High School Online Courses that we offer.

Our High School Online Courses are taught by a live instructor in real time. That means that your child is able to interact throughout the course, ask questions that are answered shortly after, and have the ability to slow down or speed up based on their skill level.

Aside from that, the instructors that we hire are extremely well versed in the language that they’re teaching. We hire instructors that have lived in the country for extended periods of time and have used the language fluently. We also encourage our instructors to continue their education moving forward so that they’re always able to provide students with the best, and most current, education.


The online language classes that we offer are incredibly popular for the mere convenience that they provide to individuals looking to learn a language. When it comes to your high school student, the ability to learn a new language through a computer screen is incredibly convenient, but the great part is that you no longer have to sacrifice quality.

With our high-school online language courses, you are able to enjoy the quality language classes with the convenience of taking them right in the comfort of your home. Now, you don’t have to worry about making time to drive to a school in order for your child to attend class. This is especially convenient if your child is consistently taking classes.

Full-Spectrum Class

As we’ve mentioned before, the quality of the education being received through an online course is one of the primary concerns of parents. La Paz not only recognizes this need in terms of online courses, but throughout all language classes. Our accredited language classes are designed to provide students with a thorough education of the language that they’re learning. It is so much more than just learning terminology and basic words when you enroll in one of our classes. We provide a full-spectrum view of a language that includes how to speak, read, and write with confidence.

This is no different with our online classes. Given the fact our instructors are teaching live, we are able to yield the same experience regardless of the student being outside of the classroom. This is yet another reason that choosing to enroll your child in our High School Live Online Courses.

Accreditation Option

When you have a high school student, the ability to get credits for the classes that they’re taking after hours is something that you always want to look into. If they’re able to get high school or college credits for the additional time that they’re spending on this class, why not take advantage of it? La Paz Language Academy worked hard to meet the qualifications for us to become an accredited language academy. When your child partakes in any of the classes that we offer, they’re able to utilize these credits and put it toward their diploma. Whether you’re looking for a heightened level of language courses for them, they’re in need of a more challenging course, or they are simply taking these online language classes outside of school, the ability to take advantage of our accredited classes is a huge perk!


We take pride in the fact that our academy is one of the very best in the nation. While we are able to provide a higher quality of education to individuals in the El Paso area, we want to be able to provide the same quality of education to individuals across the country. With our high school online language courses, we are able to make this quality of education easily accessible regardless of your location or the schedule that you’re working with.

Whether you’re juggling a schedule with multiple kids and it’s tough to get your child to physical classes or your student has a busy schedule and is struggling to find time, our online classes are a fantastic options. With the ease of accessibility to this class, your student is able to enjoy a high-quality education regardless of what’s going on in the background.

Register Online Today

La Paz Language Academy is proud to offer high-quality online language courses to high school students across the globe. The accessibility, convenience, and quality of the education that your child will receive by taking classes through La Paz is something that you simply can’t compete with. If you’re interested in starting the registration process, it’s as simple as answering a few questions online. Enroll today and feel free to reach out to our team with any questions that you may have regarding the enrollment process, our live online language classes, or the like. We are always happy to help!